Getting to Paso Robles by Train ‘Is this the train for San Luis Obispo?’ ‘Yes ma’am’, the conductor replied. So I grabbed my suitcase and rushed towards the front railcar. Anticipation always plays an important part in my travels. But I was feeling no excitement or anticipation that morning when I boarded the train for my Paso Robles media tour. As …
Paso Robles Hampton Inn – not Your Average Hilton Property
Hampton Inns may be your average, in the “budget” tier of Hilton properties, but every once in a while you come across one that’s just above and beyond your usual experience. Such is the case of Paso Robles Hampton Inn, nestled in the Central Coast wine region of California. The hotel sits just across from the beautiful La Bellasera …
Paso Robles Hampton Inn – not Your Average Hilton PropertyRead More
How to Dress Like a European – The Ultimate Packing List for Europe
Ready to spend a couple of weeks in Europe but still struggling with your packing list? Most of us care how we look and how others perceive us. But even if looking sharp is not your main priority, blending in with the locals and not being labeled a tourist is always a good idea when …
How to Dress Like a European – The Ultimate Packing List for EuropeRead More
Deconstructing Las Vegas – a First Time Visitor’s Guide
If this is your first time in Las Vegas you are probably very excited about your visit. I’m sure you must have heard a lot about this glitzy oasis in the dry desert of southern Nevada. Las Vegas is the epitome of luxury, decadence and extremes. Depending on how you look at it, Las Vegas may be this glitzy, glamorous and mesmerizing …
Deconstructing Las Vegas – a First Time Visitor’s GuideRead More
Interview with Ashley Hubbard from “A Southern Gypsy”
My guest for this month is none other than Ashley Hubbard, the unconventional and adventurous girl whom most of us know from our Facebook groups, the editor, writer and photographer of the blog “A Southern Gypsy.” Tell us a little about yourself: Who are you? Where are you from? My name is Ashley. I’m 29 years old and from …
Interview with Ashley Hubbard from “A Southern Gypsy”Read More
Château de Chambord – a Hunting Lodge of Gigantic Proportions
Chateau de Chambord is undoubtedly one of the most grandiose buildings in France. As you travel the tree-shaded road that leads to Chambord, you’ll first spot the castle’s incredible towers rising above the vast forest that surrounds it. When the entire castle breaks into view, you’ll realize how gigantic and beautiful it really is. Although it has the layout …
Château de Chambord – a Hunting Lodge of Gigantic ProportionsRead More
ReboundTAG Luggage Tracker – Prevent Your Luggage From Getting Lost
What is your worst nightmare when you travel? Mine is having my luggage lost. If you are one of the few lucky ones who never had their luggage lost, then you can’t understand the stress and frustration you feel when your suitcase fails to appear on the baggage carousel. Believe me, nothing ruins your vacation like a no-show luggage!
ReboundTAG Luggage Tracker – Prevent Your Luggage From Getting LostRead More
The Legend of Snowshoe Thompson, Lake Tahoe’s First Mailman
The legendary figure of Snowshoe Thompson is not very well known outside the Carson Valley area. But if you ever visit the little mountain village of Genoa, you’ll surely find out about him. After all, John (Showshoe) Thompson is Genoa’s greatest hero!
The Legend of Snowshoe Thompson, Lake Tahoe’s First MailmanRead More
Genoa, Nevada – the Town of Mormon Pioneers
Genoa is a small town with a lot of history! Settled in the flat valley of the Carson River, at the foot of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, Genoa couldn’t be more different than the Italian town that bears the same name. Genoa brags about having the first courthouse, hotel and newspaper in Nevada, as well as the …